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Auto Registration

Kambrik allows developers to defer registration until Kambrik registers content. Lets say you want to add an item, NeatItem to your game.


In order to do automatic registration, add a new entrypoint to your fabric.mod.json underneath your main entrypoint:

"main": [/* ... */],
"kambrik": [
        "adapter": "kotlin",
        "value": "my.neat.mod.MyModContent"

Now, registering the content is as simple as this:

object MyModContent : KambrikAutoRegistrar {
    val MY_NEAT_ITEM = "neat_item" forItem NeatItem()

Doing this will register your item as your_mod_id:neat_item. You can still refer to your created item, MyModContent.MY_NEAT_ITEM, whenever you'd like.

Content Types

Using this method, you can add many common types of content. Examples:

object MyModContent : KambrikAutoRegistrar {
    val MY_NEAT_ITEM = "neat_item" forItem NeatItem()
    val MY_POTION = "my_potion" forPotion NeatPotion()
    val COOL_BLOCK = "cool_block" forBlock CoolBlock()

You can view the full list of registration methods on this page.

You can view a working example of auto registration here.