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Kambrik ships with several different serializers, allowing us to save arbitrary pieces of data to JSON and load them back later. These serializers are all made with KotlinX Serialization, and usage of this data serialization API assumes that you know the basics of KotlinX Serialization!

To access the basic Kambrik JSON format, use Kambrik.Serial.Format.

Serializing Data

Serializing data works just like regular KotlinX Serialization:

data class FooData(val foo: Boolean, val bar: Int)

val data = Kambrik.Serial.Format.encodeToString(
    FooData.serializer(), FooData(false, 5)

println(data) //=> {"foo": false, "bar": 5}

val fooBar = Kambrik.Serial.Format.decodeFromString(
    FooData.serializer(), data

println(fooBar) //=> FooBar(foo=false, bar=5)

Custom Serializer Modules

Using a custom serializer module is as easy as:

val format = Kambrik.Serial.formatFor(our_custom_module)

val data = format.encodeToString(
    FooData.serializer(), FooData(false, 5)

If you want to access or extend Kambrik's serializer module, you can access it via Kambrik.Serial.DefaultSerializers.

Using Kambrik's Serializers

In order to serialize Vanilla data, we can add the annotation @Contextual to our type.

data class FooData(val pos: @Contextual BlockPos)

BlockPos, as well as any other Vanilla classes, cannot be serialized/deserialized unless @Contextual has been added.

These are the following classes that can be serialized to JSON when marked as @Contextual:

  • Block*
  • BlockPos
  • Box
  • Identity
  • Item*
  • NbtCompound

* these classes are only referentially serialized.

Referential Serialization

Some Vanilla classes cannot be fully serialized, and are instead turned into a piece of related data. For example, serializing a BucketItem results in minecraft:bucket. Deserializing it does a lookup in the item registry and returns the original BucketItem. These are primarily used in the Message API. See the related documentation for more information.